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High Adventure Like No Other - Swamp Base High Adventure

T10 leader Nicholas Chen plans to lead a group of Troop 10/6010 Scouts on our first Trek to Swamp Base High Adventure outside of Lafayette, Louisiana in 2025.

There will be an Informational Meeting on Monday, January 29, 2024 at 6pm. The goal is to gauge interest and to discuss dates so that we can reserve our trek. By Feb. 5th those interested will need to make a $100 deposit.

What is Swamp Base? Started in the summer of 2013, Swamp Base’s High Adventure treks offer 6 day/6 night paddling trips through the Atchafalaya Swamp. Our Scouts will be able to experience nature as they have never seen it before. Our trek will dispel some swamp myths and help with an understanding of the natural environment. This is a BSA program, safety measures are in place to ensure our Scouts return home as better versions of themselves.

Swamp Base Trek Crews journey daily from June 6 - July 15. Each Trek Crew consists of 8 to 11 people, and includes a minimum of 2 adult leaders. A Scout unit can bring 16 to 22 people for the High Adventure Trek. Swamp Base is a council led High Adventure Base, Scouts can attend at 13 years old.

T10/6010 Scouts interested in paddling/canoeing should sign-up to attend both Swamp Base and our 2024 Memorial Day Buffalo River Trek. More information concerning the 2024 trip will be available in the coming weeks.

If you want to do a little pre-meeting research, the SwampBase website is fairly thorough.


T10/6010 Adventure On!

2024 Camp Bartle Fee Schedule - Total Fee Due Feb. 5th

This fee has automatically been added to your T10/6010 Scout Debit Account. Please make sure you have enough funds in your account to cover the fee.

Life to Eagle Process Explained -January 27th at SE Merit Badge Forum

Jeff Wilson and his team use room B152 (right at the entrance to "The Foundry") to discuss the Life-to-Eagle process directly from the District Eagle Committee people. It is open to anyone interested in this process. They can attend even if they are not registered for the Merit Badge Forum. Usually they cover this topic first with Scouts working towards Eagle Scout Rank at 8:30 am (Saturday, January 27th) They then offer advice to Adults that are working with Scouts on this as well as Parents trying to assist their Life Scout. Class A Field Uniform required for Scouts.

Church of the Resurrection • 137th and Roe Boulevard, Leawood, KS • Room B152
January 27, 8:30am - 10:30am - Life-to-Eagle instruction for Scouts
January 27, 10:45am to 12:45am - Life-to-Eagle instruction for Adults helping Scouts.

T10 Life to Eagle Information Meeting - Feb. 12th

Our T10 Eagle Scout Coaches will be doing a Life to Eagle presentation for T10 Scouts/Parents on 2/12 at PSMS from 6-7pm. We will be happy to answer any questions they may have at this meeting.

Mark your Calendars - We're going ape!

Looking Ahead

01.08 T10 Mustangs TTFC - 6pm PSMS
01.08 T6010 Trailblazers - 6pm PSMS
01,08 T10 and T6010 Meetings - 7pm PSMS
01.13 T10 Lock-in at RoKC
01.15 Martin Luther King Day - No Meeting
01.19 Lock-in Klondike Scout Skills Planning - Scoutmaster Cox Home
01.20 T6010 District Klondick Competition - Longview Lake
01.22 T10 and T6010 PLC 6pm PSMS
01.22 Personal Fitness Merit Badge 7pm PSMS
01.22 T6010 Committee Meeting 7pm PSMS
01.27 Merit Badge Forum II - 8am Church of the Resurrection - Full Class A Uniform

Always check your Teams GroupMe to sign-up information/links and for last minute location and schedule changes.