Dual Square Knot_Troop 72dpi

T10/6010 Family Troop Kickoff

Monday, August 21st is the T10 and T6010 Kickoff at Ironwoods Park. This is a Entire Family Event. The T10 and T6010 Grubmaster's are working on some special treats for your family. This will be a great time to get out of the car and meet the other troop parents and Scouts.
Bring a chair, relax with your Troop family and get an idea of the fun to come this year.
Scouts "Be Prepared" for some water fun.
See you at the park!
AUGUST 11-13 and the SUMMER 2024

T6010 Buffalo River Kayak Campout

It is too late to join our girls on the Buffalo River this weekend – BUT we are looking at a Buffalo River High Adventure Back River trip next summer. This will be a back packing canoe trip down the wilder more remote parts of the Buffalo River. This won't be your normal canoe float and will be for the more adventurous Scouts from T10 and T6010. More info to come.

Scout Popcorn Fundraising Opportunity

T6010 and T10 is currently selling Scout Popcorn. If you are interested in selling Scout Popcorn please contact the Troop Popcorn Kernel. 100% of all funds earned go directly into YOUR Troop Debit Account.

T6010/10 Scout Popcorn Kernel
Yaiyeb Khumri
[email protected]

Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship - 9/8-10

It's time to get excited for our 2023 Tamegonit Lodge Fall Fellowship weekend! Unlike other Lodge events, Fall Fellowship is designed to provide as much fun and brotherhood as possible to each and every one of our Arrowmen. Think of Fall Fellowship as a party for all in our Lodge, and there will also be the election for leadership positions in our Tamegonit Lodge.

Ordeal $20, Brotherhood $40 - You must be in OA to participate. We need 2 adults willing to oversee our Scouts. Please let Scoutmaster Cox know if you are able to help.

2024-2025 High Adventure Opportunities

Blackbeard’s 2024
Spend a week in July living on a sailboat in the Bahamas and scuba diving 3-4 times per day. Night dive and shark dive will be done also. You must be at least 13 yrs old or 12 yrs old with a parent by the time of the trip. The estimated cost with scuba certification would be $3,500. Please contact Dr Cox [email protected] for more information or to sign up. This is gonna be fun! Please see attached flyer.

Philmont Horse Trek 2025
Looking for scouts interested in going to Philmont, but instead of the normal backpacking you would be riding a horse, and would have to take care of the horses during your trip. There are great views and Philmont is a great experience. The price is the same as a normal trip to Philmont. Please contact Dr Cox [email protected], if you are interested in attending. Lottery for this will be next Fall. We will begin official sign up to reserve a spot next semester.

Looking Ahead

08.11-13 - T6010 Buffalo River Kayak Campout
08.14 - T6010 Swim Party and PLC - 6pm Days Home
08.21 - T10/6010 Full Family Kickoff - 6pm Leawood Ironwoods Park
08.27 - T6010 PLC Six Month Planning - 5pm Cox Home
08.27 - T10 Bartle Roses and Thorns - 6pm Mt. Moriah
08.28 - T6010 Trailblazers and Meeting - 6pm PSMS
08.28 - T10 Meeting - 7pm PSMS
09.8-10 - OA Fellowship - Camp Naish
09.11 - Eagle Merit Badge - 6pm PSMS
09.11 - T10 and T6010 Meetings - 7pm PSMS
09.15-17 - T6010 Lake of the Ozark Lock-in - Cox Lake Home
09.18 - T10/6010 Court of Honor - 6pm PSMS
09.22-24 - T6010 Stable Horseback Riding Campout

Always check your Teams GroupMe for last minute location and schedule changes.