Re-Registration and Youth Protection Training is Due NOW
Re-registration is due. Please take few minutes and let us know if you plan to re-register or are not returning. Then make sure your Youth Protection is up to date and that your T10/6010 Scout Debit Account has enough funds to cover the registration fees.
Troop 10 Annual Re-Registration
TROOP 10 ANNUAL RE-REGISTRATION It is time to reregister every Scout and Adult for another great year in Scouting in Troop 10. PLEASE NOTE... THIS FORM IS FOR TROOP 10 (girls) ONLY - NOT TROOP 10 (boys) < CLICK TO REGISTER WITH T10 - 2024 > Please answer all of the questions below and make your payment to our Treasurer, …
Troop 6010 Annual Re-Registration
TROOP 6010 ANNUAL RE-REGISTRATION It is time to reregister every Scout and Adult for another great year in Scouting in Troop 6010. PLEASE NOTE... THIS FORM IS FOR TROOP 6010 (girls) ONLY - NOT TROOP 10 (boys) < CLICK TO REGISTER WITH T6010 - 2024 > Please answer all of the questions below and make your payment to our Treasurer, …
Troop Committee Meetings - Oct. 8th
All Troop Adults are welcome to attend. Please join us and help to make sure our Scouts have the best adventures possible.
T6010 5pm Mt. Moriah Conference Room
T10 6pm Mt. Moriah Conference Room
High Adventure Planning Meeting - Oct 9th
High Adventure 2025 meeting will be held on Oct. 9, 6pm. We will discuss anticipated trips, including Sea Base and Philmont Calvacade (horse crew) for 6010. Plus we will discuss what other adventures the scouts are interested in for that year.
$250 Deposits for both Seabase and Calvacade will be accepted beginning 10/9 to hold a spot on these crews. If we are unable to get the desired crews, deposits will be refunded. Calvacade will be in July. It is limited to 14 people. Priority will be given to T6010. In the event, the crew does not fill, we will then open it up to T10.
We intend to go to SeaBase over spring break. This is open to both T10 and T6010 Sscouts and parents. We will determine what adventure we want on 10/9.
Let the Grubmasters Cook Your Dinner
Invite a friend to a Troop meeting/service project/any event this year and our Grubmaster will make dinner for you at the next campout. If your friend joins T10/6010 you'll get all your meals at the next campout prepared by the Troop Grubmaster. What a deal! And... there is no limit to how many you friends you can invite.
Looking Ahead
10.02 - T10 Fishing Derby - 5:30 Mt Moriah Far East Undeveloped Area
10.02 - T6010 BV Band Evening - BVNW HS - Check GroupMe for Details
10.08 - T6010 Committee Meeting - 5pm Mt. Moriah Conference Room
10.08 - T10 Committee Meeting - 6pm Mt. Moriah Committee Meeting
10.09 - T10 Mustangs TTFC - 6pm PSMS
10.09 - T6010 Trailblazers - 6pm PSMS
10.09 - T10 and T6010 Meetings - 7pm PSMS
10.16 - T10 Mustangs TTFC - 6pm PSMS
10.16 - T6010 Trailblazers - 6pm PSMS
10.16 - T10 and T6010 Meetings - 7pm PSMS
10.20-22 - Soaring Eagle District Camporee - Hillsdale Lake
10.23 - Communication Merit Badge Part II - 6pm PSMS
10.23 - T10 PLC - 7pm PSMS
10.23 - T6010 PLC - 7pm PSMS
Always check your Teams GroupMe for last minute location and schedule changes.