Soaring Eagle Camporee - Beautiful Weather - October 20-22
Join us for Camporee at Hillsdale Lake October 21st-23rd! This is a district wide Soaring Eagle event and there will be multiple troops in attendance. Webelo and Arrow of Light Scouts will join us on Saturday to meet the various troops and particpate in activities. We encourage all Troop 10 Scouts to attend and show the Cub Scouts what makes our Troop so guys!!
There will be archery, rockets, first aid, fire building, hatchet throwing – Plus T10/6010 Hot Fresh Donuts, Hot Apple Cider and Peach or Root Beer Nehi Floats in the afternoon.
We will have a bunch of Webelos checking out our troops. Make sure you tell them "hi" and let them know they are all welcome to join us. Deciding on a troop is a big decision. Help them pick T10/6010!
Online registration is over - But if you want to go contact your Color Team Leader with your Teams Group Me.
Our Scouts Need Your Help
One of the strengths of our Troop 10 and Troop 6010 has always been our great adult volunteers. BUT since we have returned from Covid we have had fewer of our adults attending our activities. Please join us at troop meetings, activities, community service, campouts, committee meetings and everything your Scout does. Your participation is critical to the success of your Scout.
If you are interested in a specific place where you can help contact the Troop Committee Chair, Tim Navickas and he will plug you in to whatever best fits your interest and skills. There is a wide variety of needs: some only involve minimal participation, many do not require camping and others will get you as involved as your Scout.
Scouting is a participation program. Come out and get involved!
Looking Ahead
10.20-22 - Soaring Eagle District Camporee - Hillsdale Lake
10.23 - Communication Merit Badge Part II - 6pm PSMS
10.23 - T10 PLC - 7pm PSMS
10.23 - T6010 PLC - 7pm PSMS
10.30 - T6010 Masquerade Party - 6pm Indian Creek Recreation Center
10.30 - T10 Holiday Party - 7pm PSMS
11.06 - T6010 Trailblazers - 6pm PSMS
11.06 - T10 Mustangs TTFC - 6pm PSMS
11.06 - T6010 Meting - 7pm PSMS
11.06 - T10 Meeting - 7pm PSMS
Always check your Teams GroupMe for last minute location and schedule changes.