A Perfect T10 Float
No Troop Meeting 9/5
2023National Jamboree Sign-up/Pricing Update
After careful consideration and many discussions for the Jamboree, we have decided to forego the pre-trip before the Jamboree. We will still provide transportation to and from the Jamboree along with the Council Contingent Issued Items. Please see the updated information below. National Jamboree Estimated Cost: Register by October 30, 2022 for $2100 per youth or adult participant. Starting November 1, 2022, …
2023 Troop 10 Registration I need a response from EVERYONE as soon as possible. DO NOT ASSUME I KNOW YOUR INTENTIONS. ALSO, PLEASE DO NOT PUT THIS OFF. I need to hear from you even if you do not plan to continue with the Troop in 2023. If I do not hear from you by OCTOBER 1st, your registration will be dropped. If this occurs, …
T10 Adopt a Highway Project 9/24
Highway Clean-up 179th and 69 HIghway 8:30-11:00 Donuts, Donuts, Donuts This is a full T10 community service project - everyone is expected to attend
Did you know...
Did you know that to reduce fees Troop 10 makes it own neckerchief slides? These slides save the Troop $7 on every new Scout and $15 on our Eagle slides. Multiply that times 75 or so a year and for the 8 years we have been doing it and it is a nice savings. A great way to manage your troop fees.
Thank you Ron Clary for the idea and for making the slides.
Troop 10 Committee Meeting - September 11, 6pm Mt Moriah
All T10 Adults are encouraged to attend. We will be making decisions about 2023 Camp Bartle, working on the troop schedule/programming, managing our budget and welcome everyones thoughts. Get off the wall on join us.