T10 Campout and Scout Night at the Mavericks Hockey Game
This is a HOAC council wide event and is sold out. Remember to bring money for food at the game. Pregame activity includes slapshots on the ice, meet the players and other events. At rotary Camp Scouts have the option to camp in either a cabin or their tent. Both will be cold so Be Prepared. Dress for the Hockey Game is Class A.
9:00 am - Arrive 10:00 am - Cook late breakfast/Trailblazers/Trail to First Class 11:00 am - Capture the flag - indoor board games 12:00-2:00 pm - Rotary Camp Conservation Project 3:00-4:00 pm - Afternoon Meal 4:00 pm - Start to leave for game - Class A Uniform 4:45 pm - Pregame activities in arena
9:30 pm - Snack in Dining Hall
T10 - Sunday 7:00 am - Wake-up 7:15 am - Cold Continental Breakfast 7:45 am - Religious Service
8:00 am - Pack-up & Police Line
Skate Party at Summit Skate - January 16th
Troop 10/6010 will be having an Ice Skating Party on Monday January 16th at Summit Ice. You are encouraged to bring a non-Scout friend, 10-13 years old for FREE. This is a huge opportunity for us to show how much fun we have in Scouts.
We will be doing a competition to see what family can bring the most friends. And if any of them sign-up to join the troop there will be a $pecial prize for each Scout that invited them.
All Troop 10 Adults - Updated Information Needed
The Troop 10 Adult Awards and Advanced Training web page needs to be updated. Please send me your updated information. All Scouting Awards, District Awards, Wood Badge, Mic-O-Say, Order of the Arrow and the Eagle Scout Award.
Please also look at your Troopmaster page and let us know what information needs to be update.
Northern Tier Canoe and Blackbeards SCUBA 2024
In 2024 our Troop High Adventure will be Northern Tier and potentially Blackbeards SCUBA, depending on interest by adults and scouts. Anyone interested in Blackbeards needs to email Krista Cox this month. The estimated cost with scuba certification would be $3500. If we are unable to fill a boat or do not have sufficient leadership, we will plan another T10/6010 custom adventure. Anyone interested in Northern Tier needs to sign up with Justin Babbit.
Looking Ahead in December
12.07 - Set-up Honor Tree - 6 pm Overland Park Police Station
12-10-11 - T10-T6010 Campout and Mavericks Game - Rotary Camp
12.12 - All Troop Holiday Party - 7pm PSMS
Always check your Teams GroupMe for last minute location and schedule changes.