Adult Help Needed to Teach a Merit Badge Class
Thank you to all of you that agreed to teach a Merit Badge at the District Merit Badge Forum. I am still in need of 3 more people to agree to teach.
The Merit Badge Forum takes place on two Saturdays at the Church of the Resurrection.
1/7/2023 from 8:30am to 12:45pm and again on 1/28/2023 from 8:30am to 12:45pm
The badges I need counselors for are: (details can be found on the links)
This will be one class of about 15 that meets both Saturdays at 10:45am for 2 hours
This is only one small class that meets for 2 hours at 10:45am on 1/28.
This will be 2 small classes that meet for 2 hours at 8:30am on 1/7 and 8:30am on 1/28
Information for Scouts Attending the Merit Badge Forum
The Soaring Eagle Merit Badge forum will take place on January 7 and 28 at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection beginning at 8:00am. Scouts who have signed up for the forum will find their course schedule below.
ALL courses will take place in Building B. If Scouts are being dropped off, this is best done at the north entrance; 5001 West 137th Street, Leawood, KS. If parking, do so in the B1 lot.
The schedule for each session is as follows:
- 8:00am - Merit Badge Scout Arrival & Check-in
- 8:30am to 10:30am - First Group Session Merit Badge
- 10:30am to 10:45am - Break
- 10:45am to 12:45pm Second Session Merit Badge
- Saturday, January 28, 2023 - Same schedule as above
Scouts will report to the “The Foundry” in Building B for check-in. On the morning of the forum, there will an opportunity to make additions, deletions or changes. If this is necessary, please plan to arrive early. The forum WILL NOT accept additional Scouts that had not already registered, NO WALK-INS! All adults that are assisting will need to check in at 8:00 am to receive their assignments. If you have signed up to assist, thank you. If you have not signed-up but are available to assist, please come and see where additional help is needed.
Class A Uniform IS REQUIRED. Scouts not in uniform will be asked to leave. Conduct should exemplify the Scout Oath & Law. We are the guests of the Church of the Resurrection and must treat the building with utmost respect. NO FOOD is allowed outside the Troop Management Area in ‘The Foundry’.
Troop 10 and Shared Troop Meeting - January 8th
There will be a Troop 10 Committee Meeting on January 8th at 6pm. This is a Troop 10 (boys) committee meeting followed by a summary of T10 and T6010.
All T10 adults are welcome to attend. Please plan to attend.
Troop 6010 will hold its monthly Committee Meeting on January 23rd at 6pm - PSMS
Skate Party at Summit Skate - January 16th
Troop 10/6010 will be having an Ice Skating Party on Monday January 16th at Summit Ice. You are encouraged to bring a non-Scout friend, 10-13 years old for FREE. This is a huge opportunity for us to show how much fun we have in Scouts.
We will be doing a competition to see what family can bring the most friends. And if any of them sign-up to join the troop there will be a $pecial prize for each Scout that invited them.
Skate Instruction and Skate Merit Badge - 6pm
More details and sign-up to come.
Looking Ahead in December
01.07 - Soaring Eagle District Merit Badge Forum - 8am Church of the Resurrection
01.08 - Troop 10/6010 Committee Meetings - 6pm Mt. Moriah Conference Rooms
01.09 - T6010 Meeting - 6pm PSMS
01.09 - Trail to First Class - 6pm PSMS
01.09 - T10 Meeting - 7pm PSMS
01.16 - T10 Skate Merit Badge and Skate Lessons - 6pm Summit Skate
01.16 - T10 Skate "Invite a Friend" - 7pm Summit Skate
01.21-22 - Klondike Campout - Big Bull Creek Campground
01.23 - T6010 PLC Meeting - 6pm PSMS
01.23 - Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge - 6pm PSMS
01.23 - T10 PLC Meeting - 7pm PSMS
01.28 - Soaring Eagle District Merit Badge Forum - 8am Church of the Resurrection
Always check your Teams GroupMe for last minute location and schedule changes.