Troop 10 Scout Debit Account
Troop 10 Scout Debit Account
Your Troop 10 Scout account is a Debit Account. Please always keep a positive balance in your account to cover your Scouts expenses. Your account must always a positive balance at every Troop Court of Honor, Prior to Camp Bartle and October 1st when we register each Scout and Adult.
Troop 10 Electronic Payment Options
Using Venmo
Click Pay Now to add funds to your Troop Scout Debit Account without a fee or use @BSATroop10 on the Venmo app.
Pay Pal Fee
Within PayPal, use the email address [email protected] for your payment. Please select Friends and Family to avoid fees. If you are unable to do this or have your account linked to a credit card add 2% plus $0.49 to cover the fees.